Global Dimensions in Social Protection: Problems and Main Discussions

Abdulkadir Şenkal

Abstract: Globalization has significant financial positive potential for higher growth, employment levels, living standards and social protection, triggered by rapid technology transfers, rapid investment pace and global information access, among other factors. However, its benefits are unevenly distributed within and between countries. This situation creates serious problems for both developed and developing countries. Therefore, social protection is a concept that causes serious deficits in the globalization process. At the beginning of the twentieth century, as new social protection programs began to be adopted by Western countries, the scope and importance of the need for social welfare became more debatable. These discussions intensified in the years after World War II and became widespread in both developed and developing countries, emerging in the form of issues affecting funding, targets, management and scope.

Keywords: Social protection, Global social protection, Social policy, Poverty, Global social policy

Abdulkadir Şenkal
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.975449
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

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People to Come or Society 5.0: The Idea of Protecting Society in the Context of the Relationship between Searching for Truth and Fabulation

Sinan Kürkçü

Abstract: In this article, it is examined how social protection, essentially the idea of protecting society with a wider perspective, can be shaped depending on the process called Society 5.0. Accordingly, the changing conditions of thought and knowledge are pointed out with the conceptualization of people to come. A view of the relationship between people to come and the idea of protecting society is presented in terms of the changing conditions of thought and knowledge. It is problematized how people to come can be shaped in the context of social protection with the developments of Society 5.0 and what kind of social perspective it can produce. The relationship of thought production with the conditions of knowledge, in other words, the issue of determining scientific research and technological development as a priority social horizon today has been evaluated in terms of understanding social protection with new scientific and social conditions. In this case, it is aimed to understand a point of view expressed by the convergence of the concepts of searching for truth and fabulation, in the context of the idea of protecting the society. As a result, the relationship of digital-based sociality with social protection is pointed out in terms of the development of the idea and practices of protection that a transformative social design can carry in the direction of common goods.

Keywords: People to come, Society 5.0, Searching for truth, Fabulation, Social protection

Sinan Kürkçü
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.971993
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

Tam metin / Full text


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What will the Future Bring? Work, Digitalization and Social Protection under Society 5.0

Danijela Bagarić / Valentina Franca

Abstract: Digitalization, the process of converting information into a digital format, further develops people’s behaviour, skills and knowledge, especially that of digital natives, to use digital applications and technology. Society 5.0 may be too vague to function strategically, but it does place us at the centre of the ongoing technological revolution, and better facilitates proactivity. Globally, men generally participate in labour markets more than women, but this gender gap in participation rates has been sharply declining in recent decades. Turkey’s significant structural and social change of late is expected to make it easier for women to enter the labour market, but their participation in the labour market is still low.

Keywords: Digitalization, Society 5.0, Labour market, Women, Turkey

Danijela Bagarić / Valentina Franca
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.977145
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

Tam metin / Full text


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How Will the Future Be? The Transformation of Romanian Labour Legislation in a Global Context

Magdolna Vallasek

Abstract: Over the past two decades, it has become increasingly common to hear the verdict that labour law is in crisis, finding it increasingly difficult to fulfil its main task of protecting workers. This is happening first and foremost because since classical labour law rules were established, society as a whole has undergone a profound change, with the labour market shifting towards production and the economy, globalisation, digitalisation and flexible work. Following the 4.0 industrial revolution, the aim is to achieve a 5.0 society, and this is the direction artificial intelligence, digitalisation and robotisation point to as well. In our short study, we ask to what extent labour law is ready for this, and what are the main problems and obstacles that may arise. We do this by taking the example of Romania’s legal development, and starting from the premise that the labour law measures introduced in the wake of the current pandemic are a valuable experience, as they have acted as a catalyst to bring to the fore dilemmas that labour law has been struggling with for some time. We can therefore experiment with the effects of some of the measures introduced in the context of the pandemic on the labour market and the situation of workers, and it would be wise to learn from these experiences.

Keywords: Labour law, Flexicurity, Digitalization, Work-life balance, Romania

Magdolna Vallasek
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.974217
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

Tam metin / Full text


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The Role of the Artificial Intelligence in the Labour Law Relations in European and Asian Aspect

Gábor Mélypataki / Zsófia Riczu / Dávid Máté / Panggih Kusuma Ningrum

Abstract: Artificial intelligence and automation are some of the most defining elements of the XXI century, whose significant imprint is manifested in society and social relations. Digital development is transforming the world of work – this thesis is the starting point of many kinds of research. This principle is also the basic premise of the present study, as it transforms working and employment conditions to develop and spread digital technologies, resulting in an untraceable process. As the maker of individual decisions, artificial intelligence can create a new context in labour law. The study aims to examine the labour law entity of artificial intelligence, outlining the Asian and European distribution of reactions to the introduction of automatic decision-making and the impact of MI on industrial relations. The outstanding importance of the topic is also shown by the fact that numerous studies deal with examining legal personality outside labour law.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Automation, Employment, Industrial relations, Labour law

Gábor Mélypataki / Zsófia Riczu / Dávid Máté / Panggih Kusuma Ningrum
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.976915
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

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The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Organized Crime Activities in the Society 5.0

Pasquale Peluso

Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the effects that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the illegal activities carried out by organized crime. Organized criminal groups have shown that they are able to quickly identify the sectors that can ensure greater earnings by exploiting the economic and health crisis due to the spread of Covid-19. The paper highlights how Society 5.0, through its inspiring principles, can offer valid tools for combating illegal activities carried out by organized crime.

Keywords: Organized crime, Society 5.0, Covid-19 pandemic, Illegal economy, Organized crime and pandemic

Pasquale Peluso
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.977472
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

Tam metin / Full text


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Change of the Workplace in the Age of Digitalization: Causes and Consequences

Abdulah Erol

Abstract: One of the most important effects of digitalisation in the field of labor law is that it eliminates the obligation to do the job in a specific physical space. Many jobs can now be done anywhere, thanks to virtual platforms or environments created over the internet. Although there are positive aspects of working in the virtual workplace, it causes problems that are difficult to overcome, especially in the field of labor law. New ways of working such as crowdwork and crowdsourcing, which emerged as a result of technological developments in the field of telecommunications, virtualized the workplace and caused many regulations established on the classical workplace concept in labor laws to become inapplicable. It is not possible for labor law, whose main purpose is to create an equitable environment between the employee and the employer, to ignore this development and to remain indifferent to the use of the change in the concept of the workplace in a way that will abolish the rights of the employees.

Keywords: Digitalisation, Workplace, Crowdworking, Crowdsourcing, Gig economy

Abdulah Erol
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.963201
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

Tam metin / Full text


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Future of Work Discussion under the Shadow of Covid-19 and European Union’s Social Protection Expenditures

Umut Yertüm

Abstract: The phenomenon of the future of work, which has been frequently discussed by post-industrial society theorists since the 1970s, focuses on the effects of technology on employment. Unemployment, which is at the forefront of these effects, and the public intervention necessary to combat it form the basis of these discussions. The aim of this study is to examine the reflections of the state intervention in the fight against Covid-19 in the EU. For this purpose, the data of the Council of Europe, the SURE program and Eurostat were examined. In the review, the average unemployment in EU 27 countries increased from 6.8% in 2019 to 7.2% in 2020 due to Covid-19, while employment decreased from 68.4% to 67.4% in the same periods; public expenditures increased from 46.6% to 53.4%. Finally, the EU, which created a joint fund of € 2,364 trillion for the effective fight against Covid-19, used € 94 billion funds to support 30 million employees and 2.5 million businesses participating in the SURE program, which it established to reduce the impact in the labor markets and to fight more effectively.

Keywords: Covid-19, Post-Industrial Society, Employment, Unemployment, Public expenditure, SURE programme

Umut Yertüm
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.976958
Year 8, Issue 30, Fall 2021

Tam metin / Full text


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