Forthcoming Issues

Gelecek Sayılar ISSN: 2148-7537

Forthcoming Issues and Their Topics:

Issue 39
Topic: The Housing Issue and The Right to Housing in Türkiye
Issue Editor: Doç. Dr. Doğa Başar Sarıipek

Release Date: January 2025
Submission Date
15 September 2024
End: 30 September 2024

For more information

Issue 40
Topic: Turkish Cinema
Issue Editor: Doç. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Gökçek

Release Date: July 2025
Submission Date
15 March 2025
End: 31 March 2025

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Issue 41
Topic: “Agriculture” Problem of Türkiye
Release Date: January 2026
Submission Date
15 September 2025
End: 30 September 2025

Issue 42
Topic: Being Elderly in Türkiye
Release Date: July 2026
Submission Date
15 March 2026
End: 31 March 2026