Housing Conditions and Psychological Well-Being of Families Receiving Social Assistance within the Framework of Adequate Housing Principles

Pelin Şatıroğlu-Güldalı / Reyhan Atasü-Topcuoğlu

Abstract: Poverty, housing problems, and lack of access to adequate housing are closely connected. Poor families often have to live in inadequate housing and face stress and insecurity caused by housing issues, which are linked to psychological well-being. This study aims to reveal the housing conditions and psychological well-being levels of poor families receiving social assistance in Sinop. Using a quantitative research method and a survey model, the study conducted a questionnaire with 378 individuals benefiting from social assistance through quota sampling. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews and analyzed using the SPSS22 software package. It was also determined that families receiving social assistance are mostly tenants and therefore unable to benefit from housing maintenance support, which requires homeownership. Consequently, they often live in poorly maintained, low-quality housing. These houses lack tenure security, are unfit for living, and fail to meet the basic needs of the families. The challenges faced by families receiving social assistance highlight the urgent need to improve housing conditions.

Keywords: Poverty, Housing conditions, Social assistance, Adequate housing, Psychological well-being

Pelin Şatıroğlu-Güldalı / Reyhan Atasü-Topcuoğlu
DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.1559664
Year 12, Issue 39, Winter 2025

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